Fairy Tales and Castles – Between Reality, Imaginary Beings and Places

In Fairy Tales and Castles: Between Reality, Imaginary Beings and Places, Matthias Kern invites you to experience the world of dreams and fantasies through the stories we read in our childhood. Be transported back to that world where our imaginations ran free. Kern speaks to the creation of his art, “ ’Kunst ist schön, macht aber viel Arbeit – Art is beautiful – but requires much work’ This quote from the German comedian Karl Valentin describes perfectly the creation of art. It’s hard work, mentally and physically, however it ends up in satisfaction for me as the artist and hopefully for the viewer.  ART IS BEAUTIFUL.”

The opening Artist Reception Fairy Tales and Castles: Between Reality, Imaginary Beings and Places on Saturday, June 2 at 4:00pm, as well as visits to the gallery for the duration of the exhibit which closes Saturday, June 30, are free and open to all. For more information, visit roxburyartsgroup.org or call the Roxbury Arts Group at 607.326.7908.  

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